2 minggu lpas..byk bnde jadi....house mate lost her car at office....setel everything but till now, her car xjumpe2 lg...mmg bodo pencuri tu....aku doakn si pencuri itu dpt blsn yg setimpal di kendian hari...
last week my lappy got some problem....this week everything IS ok again..got some time to update this thingy...PLUS...xbalik shah alam as TOMORROW ade event which is SCKLM...so just stay at bukit jalil...
this time i just participate in 10km event....gile ape nk masok half marathon mcm 2009 dulu...ms tu performance ok...kli ni mcm haram j je...aku xde trening ape2 pon...esok ibarat aku berlari mcm jogging pg2....tp 10km...huhuhu...
the ROUTE of 10KM |
SCKLM???every year mmg ade....cume last year i didn't participate coz i dunno why...awesome..this time as scope international staff i can participate for FREE..yeay!!! benefits of being standard chartered staff huh?
However, since me myself is not really familiar with jln2 KL nih....hmm..cmne nk g DTRN MERDEKA esok??? so..today...gonna find a way there with my housemate.. esok..xtau la nk kua kol bape since 4 am jln sume da tutup...
racepack pon baru nk amik ni haa....pastu g cr jln...nyte..prepare my running stuff...morning....run!!!yeah...
this tyme...i run with my new running shoe...new ipod...yeah!!!! bersemangat sket nk lari....cume...running attire je xbeli2 yg baru....grrr~susa nk jmpe baju lngan pjg yg mcm akua de skrg......
En syafiq xdpt nk join coz die ade bnde yg lbey penting utk beliau....his future....so..next time die bole join lg...tp event ni mmg die nk join sgt2 since dulu lg...tp nk wat cmne....xde rejeki...
ok then...wanna go to collect the racepack....finding ways to dtrn merdeka....tlg la doakan aku dpt mencri jln pergi + pulang...
gotta go!!!
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