Friday, June 5, 2009

LuLuS cEmeRlANg..yeah!!!

hmmm..dis holiday i have to...[sukeati nk amik ke rase kene amik..haha]...follow this SQL Server course..sumthing like database n such things...untung2 bole jd database it..*wink*wink*

for my course..this SQL stuff..only took 14 days compared to other courses such as comptiA, ORACLE..n other..the tyme is quite long..lucky course only for two depnds on u..which course u want when u i so into database..i take this Microsoft SQL course..

learn new things from microsoft...its easy...the wizards make the process of insert the data and its secured..cet..promote microsoft plak..

so..everyday started on err...18th may..i have to attend this course class as early 9 am till 5pm..can u imagine????tired...exhausted...wuhuuu...learn...learn...learn...nonstop..only stop for lunch...huh..TEPU!!! then..if u lost one step while implemeneting the steps..u'll totally lost untill start the new chapter..haha..confused

me???not soo serious..sometyme i juz maen2 dlm klas wif my classmate izzati..huu...checkin up my facebook..n other..hahaha...notty me

when we started the second modul..we have to install evrything..d prob is..the disk space is not enuff..its really annoying when evrytime i want to install d application..i can't coz of the disk space problem..i have to find whatver unused..not important..juz delete it to give space for d installation process...duh~

then start the third modul..juz for 3days..then we have to prepare for d mi gosh!!EXAM!!!dunno wether i'll pass d exam or not..scared!!! tu laa...maen2 je dlm klas
so..the trainer give us some qusetion for us to do...whoaa...d question is...HARD!!!!DIFFICULT!!
huhu...cmne nk lpas ni??? n izzati do d question as focus as we june is d date...our exam!!!
perghh...d procedure ketat nk amik exam pe je..ciss..u are separated form ur fren, so u'll sit beside sumone u didn't know..huh..but lucky me..i sit besides my fren..izzati..haha...

it was so cold in d room...can't stand...otak kebas..tgn kebass...xle nk pk...there were 65 questions...n d passing score is 800...haha..cmne kire tah..daMn!!! d PC monitor is blinking...saket mate!!!!huhu...i'm sleepy while doing d questions..

i did d question sambil bertawakal..n had no feelings on it...finish answer all d click on d end exam...d result comin out...guess what...

I passed d EXAM!!! with score 933 over 1000..yeay!!!!ingtkan cukop2 mkn jee...lebih mkn i get out from d exam room with happy heart...hehe...after this i just wait for d MICROSOFT certificate signed by BILL GATES..huhu..bangge plak..bukan sng nk dpt cert tu..if u take this course'll cost u about thousand...i'm not quite sure..but it is EXPENSIVE!!congrats to me...lala1

d cert sign by BILL GATES..hehe

pass exam notification

modul 2 punye cert

modul 1 d cert

3rd modul

whatever pon..this course is full of benefit tmbah2 when u apply ur job...but rite now i really satisfy coz pass d exam n get d certificate n finshed d course successfully ")